This underrated habit can help you lost weight

Akansha Jhalani
September 13, 2023

When we think about getting optimal results from being on a diet, we wrap our minds around crunching calories, carbs, fats, etc. and complicate the simple philosophy of eating well. Constantly worrying about things at the micro level, we often lose sight of the bigger picture. In the world of diet madness, counting everything you put in the mouth may seem like a thing to do for the over-obsessed.

But if you are like me, someone who cannot crash diet and starve, knowing how your meals look like through the day does help! Those tiny munchies through the day when come together tells me a lot about my eating habits and myself.

Logging your meals and tracking them is not just for people trying to lose weight. Doing this will help you in ways you cannot imagine. Though it requires some form of discipline and accuracy, meal logging can be this tiny habit that will take you a long way. Here are some benefits of meal logging that go way beyond losing weight

  • Counting calories vs counting macronutrients

Counting calories is a widely known and practised method of losing weight but this lends itself to making poor dietary choices. We will eventually eat our calories but consuming 150 kcals from almonds or 150 kcals from coke is what makes the difference. Logging meals give you a clear picture of macros through the day. It will account for the sugar from the coke and the protein, fats and carbs from the almonds. Understand how a calorie eaten is not just a calorie eaten here

  • Stay ahead of the game

Once you start logging your meals, you will soon realize the benefits of planning your meals in advance. Knowing your food combinations and understanding the portions you need to eat to strike a balance of nutrients helps you eat clean and stay ahead of your game. It is rare that you will open a pack of chips if you’ve prepped your meals in advance.

  • Understand portion sizes

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It is not just about what you eat but it is also about how much you eat. Even while eating healthy meals, we so many times end up eating double of what we wanted to and that is where the problem begins. Meal logging does not just account for what you’ve eaten and throw numbers at you, it also helps you understand serving sizes. Know more about it here.

  • Noticing trends

Once you start logging and tracking your meals, the choices you make say a lot about how you are associated with food. It helps you point out any food intolerances, emotional eating pattern, any cravings you repeatedly go through and pitfalls through the day. It helps you understand your body and emotions better. Does eating out with a particular set of friends sabotage your weight loss or fitness goals? Let the app point that out for you!

  • Manage your goals more efficiently

Logging and tracking your meals have benefits way beyond losing weight. If you are someone trying to eat mindfully or someone trying to increase muscle mass to build your dream body, meal logging will help you attain your health goals. With the nutrition chaos all around you, let the app calculate your macros. It will also suggest an eating pattern and work with you to get there! How amazing can it get!?

It is a boon to have a handy app on your smartphone helping you achieve your goals meal after meal. If you are like me who loves the hell out of food and at the same time strives to stay healthy and fit, here is what I recommend. Download my favourite meal tracking app here and get started!

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